Research shows that 8 out of 10 businesses fail within the first few years in business. It is no wonder why Lincoln coined the phrase, “Entrepreneurship is an unpredictable journey.” As a young businessman who started his first business at the age of 7 selling punch outside of his house; Lincoln proves that with dedication, passion and a deep desire for success, anything is possible.
In this course, Lincoln shares his successes along with his failures doing business in the Bahamas. He believes that becoming an entrepreneur is not easy, but it is also not impossible. As a shining testament of perseverance, Lincoln shares how he was rejected 7 times from the licensing authority for his water sports jet packs before getting approval. He also shares that he went to 17 investors before finding funding for Jet Link Adventures. He believes that “As an entrepreneur you have to go through painful moments and get comfortable being uncomfortable.”
Mr. Deal is the CEO of Eeden Farms, an innovative farming company based in Nassau, Bahamas. He is also the owner of Jet Link Adventures, Jet Car Adventures and Open Water Tours; all thriving companies that provide exceptional experiences for tourist that visit the Bahamas.
In this course, Lincoln uses companies such as Apple, Amazon, Spotify, and Netflix as case studies of successful innovation. He gives insights into Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and the Future as a practicing successful entrepreneur, and as a student of business. This course is for those seeking to disrupt the status quo and create a new future through innovative businesses. We hope you enjoy!