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Two recommendations my organization can implement today to improve the quality of training programs created and offered would be:

I would recommend that my learning and development team be extremely intentional about hosting sessions that are short, interactive and engaging. This intentionality caters to the undeniable fact that a number of us have very short attention spans and our goal is to meet persons where they are if we in fact want to be successful.

Trainings that are long in delivery usually loose persons after about twenty minutes in and therefore learning teams should switch gears at that timeframe by activating a level of engagement in an effort to keep persons focused but also to help with building Generation. People retain information during meaningful engagement and conversations. We remember conversations that strike a nerve (emotions) we remember conversations and activities that remind us of someone, something or someplace (association). Therefore allowing discussion or activities surrounding the top ideas allows the concept to resonate, therefore making learning meaningful while being embedded in our memory boxes.

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